Educate and inspire through curated hands-on experiences at MEarth's 10 acre Hilton Bialek Habitat, where you'll create and discover in our LEED-certified culinary classroom, organic garden and orchard, native bee garden, and watershed education zone. MEarth Field Trips are a great way to offer immersive educational experiences to your class or school group. Build your own field trip or select one from our menu below. Let MEarth's special magic connect your students in meaningful ways - to each other, to their communities, and to the natural world around them.

We endeavor to serve as many students -of all ages- from across Monterey County at the award-winning, 10-acre Hilton Bialek Habitat. To get a sense of the core programs we offer, please read our descriptions above.

Please fill out our inquiry form and we will get back to you shortly. In a typical season, we ideally book programs 2-3 months ahead of time, so the sooner the better! Our programming schedule is dependent on staff availability and funding.

Price: $650 for a 2-hour Field Trip
$325 for each additional program hour
Maximum 30 Students
Limited Availability: Free Field Trips for Monterey County Title I Schools. Up to $500 transportation reimbursement.

Options and Opportunities

MEarth Garden Games: Appropriate for Grades 7-12 
Nothing brings out innovation & creativity quite like healthy competition.

Working in groups, students will compete to cook a recipe featuring a unique secret ingredient from our garden. This challenge encourages teamwork and helps develop their communication and leadership skills. Which award will you win? Best Plating, Best Tasting, Best Teamwork, and Most Creative ensures everyone is a winner. 

Eco-Literacy Field Trip: Appropriate for Grades K-12 
Get curious and go outdoors!

Get outdoors and enter the deeply immersive outdoor classroom at the inspirational Hilton Bialek Habitat at the mouth of Carmel Valley. Younger students are invited to engage all the senses as they learn about plants, flowers, and look for the creatures that call MEarth home. Older students engage in a more comprehensive understanding of ecological systems. Students of all ages will learn through hands-on exploration and gain a better appreciation of the complex interconnections within ecological systems and human activities.

Food and Garden Systems: Appropriate for Grades K-12 
Join the Farm to Table Movement! 

Utilizing our organic garden and outdoor classroom, we invite students to nourish their minds and learn about our food production cycle. This field trip is designed to deliver exceptional, experiential and immersive education, with our MEarth Educators highlighting how to reduce agriculture’s ecological footprint through sustainable practices. To experience the entire food cycle, we move from harvesting directly from the MEarth garden to our LEED-Certified teaching kitchen, where we will prepare a delicious treat together. Finishing the field trip, we all raise our forks together to celebrate a great day in the garden! 

Build Your Own Field Trip: Appropriate for Grades K-12 
Can't decide? Let’s design one just for you!

All field trips and activities can be tailored to meet the needs of your class and our mission. MEarth educators are prepared to blend field trips, and add arts and crafts, physical games, and team-building exercises to any field trip! 

Site Visits: Appropriate for Grades K-12 
Let MEarth come to you!

MEarth Educators are committed to making sure our programs are accessible. Using materials from our garden and habitat, and delivering on our mission to educate and inspire the next generation of environmental and ecological stewards, our Educators are committed to meeting you and your group where you are at, literally. Blending the curriculum and activities from our Field Trips, the Site Visits are designed to deliver a custom hands-on experience within the comfort of your school and classroom.