Please send questions and inquiries by email to [email protected].
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Office Phone: 831.624.1032
Mailing Address: MEarth | PO Box 223702, Carmel CA 93922
Physical Address: Hilton Bialek Habitat | 4380 Carmel Valley Road (Adjacent to Carmel Middle School), Carmel CA 93923
Are you part of an organization that would like to collaborate with MEarth? Fill out our collaboration interest form!
Please note that all visitors to MEarth must check in at the MEarth Office. Visitors are not allowed on MEarth property during school hours (school days between 7 am - 2:30 pm) unless an appointment with a staff member is scheduled in advance.
We encourage you to take the Hilton Bialek Habitat Audio Tour HERE during non-school hours.
For group tours of our educational facility or group volunteer opportunities, please contact our office by email or phone.
Native Plant/Nursery Hours ~ Open to the public every Friday from 3 - 4:30 PM
Smart Phones lead you astray! See map below.
Enter through Carmel Middle School Entrance. Follow the bus lane past the front of the school. Turn right at the end of the bus lane to park in MEarth Visitor Parking. Walkthrough a pedestrian crosswalk and through MEarth's iron gates.